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Aptech ACCP PRO & EE HDSE PART2 Questions and Answers (100% Guarantee)

Accp (pro) HDSE II Comprehensive Exam Part 11)    To switch from the GUI environment to the shell, console, we need to use the Ctrl+F1 keys.
a)      True
b)      False

2)    Identify the two components in the architecture of the Apache Web Server.
a)      Multi-Processing Module
b)      Authentication Module
c)      Core Moduled)      Authorization Module

3)    Which of the following statement regarding making changes in the http.conf file is true?
a)      Apache server must be restarted to implement  changes made to the configuration file
b)      Apache server must include directives to implement changes made to the configuration file
c)      Aptech server must also implement changes in .htaccess file before restarting to implement changes made to the configuration file.
d)      To implement the changes. Apache processes the directives line by line in the http.conf

4)    Which statement is used to add a new record in table?
a)      Insertb)      Add
c)      Record
d)      Update

5)    The _____________ symbol starts a process in the background.
a)      $
b)      ^
c)      &d)      *

6)    Which is the default order of sort in ORDER by clause?
a)      Ascendingb)      Descending

7)    Which of the following utilities is used to render a private key for Apache server?
a)      Mod_ssl
b)      Http
c)      Crypto-utils
d)      Openssl

8)    Which of the following commands in entered at the command prompt to start apache web server?
a)      Apachectl –k start
b)      Etc/int:d/http start
c)      Load Apachectl
d)      /usr/local/apache2/bin/Apachectl start

9)    The _____________ option of insert command causes insertion of records to be postponed unless all clients finished reading from the tables.
a)      Default
b)      Low_priority
c)      Ignore
d)      Delayed

10)           Which of the following types of proxies can be configured on Aptech server?
a)      Reverse
b)      Forward
c)      Backward
d)      Filtered

11)           Which of the following directives of the mod_alias module transmits an external        redirect to obtain a different URL?
a)      RedirectPermanenr
b)      RedirectMatch
c)      RedirectTemp
d)      Redirect

12)           Which of the following command is used to configure mod_ssl?
a)      ./configure –prefix-sslb)      ./configure –enable-ssl
c)      ./config –prefix-ssl
d)      ./config –enable-ssl

13)           Which of the following queries will display all the employees whose last end with? On? String?
a)      SELECT Employees, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName FROM Employees Where INSERT(EMPLOYEELastName,?2?) LIKE ?on?
b)      SELECT Employees, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName FROM Employees Where EmployeeLastName LIKE ?on?
c)      SELECT Employees, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName FROM Employees Where LOCATE(EMPLOYEELastName, 2) = ?on?
d)      SELECT Employees, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName FROM Employees Where RIGHT(EMPLOYEELastName, 2) = ?on?

14)           Which of the following modules displays information related to the activities and performance of apache web server?
a)      Mod_include
b)      Mod_userdir
c)      Mod_dir
d)      Mod_status

15)           Which of the following displays the lists of included directories instead of the actual web pages?
a)      DirectorySlash
b)      DirectoryIndex
c)      Options
d)      ScriptsAlias

16)           If you want to assign a read permission to file, the octal value that will be used to assign the ‘read; permission is _________
a)      3
b)      4
c)      1
d)      2

17)           Which of the following storage engines is default to handle tables in MYSQL?
a)      EXAMPLE
b)      innoDB
c)      MYISAM

18)           _____________ is the process of converting data into scrambled code while deciphering it at the other end.
a)      Certificates
b)      Digital Signature
c)      Cryptographyd)      Message digest

19)           _____________ exists between a computer and a network and provides protection to networks against outside attackers.
a)      Firewallb)      Proxy
c)      Security
d)      Protocol

20)           _____________ is used to establish a relationship between two tables.
a)      Foreign keyb)      Composite key
c)      Primary key
d)      Candidate key

21)           A query used inside another select query is known as _____________
a)      Subquery
b)      Join query
c)      Inner query
d)      Group query

22)           The STRCMP function return -1 if _____________.
a)      Str1 < Str2b)      Str1 = Str2
c)      Str1 > Str2
d)      Str1 <> Str2

23)           The _____________ controls the working of the desktop.
a)      GNOME
b)      KDE
c)      Window Managerd)      Editor

24)           Which of the following option of the data command displays the time in HH:MM:SS format?
a)      %M
b)      %HK
c)      %m
d)      %T

25)           Which of the following commands displays detailed list of files and directories?
a)      Is ?a
b)      Is -lc)      Is ?r
d)      Is

26)           Which of the following command prints only the login name of all the users currently logged in to the system and the number of users logged in?
a)      Is
b)      Users
c)      Man
d)      Who –q

27)           The _________ command displays the name of the terminals.
a)      Ytt
b)      Tty
c)      Tyt
d)      Try

28)           ___________ Command searches a file for a specific pattern.
a)      Pattern
b)      Grep –nc)      Is –a
d)      Cat c

29)           Ps – a command is to
a)      Lists additional information such as process status, user id, process id, etc about the process
b)      Lists basic details about the process such as process id, terminal, process status, process time, and process command
c)      List all processes
d)      List all the process and the respective environment in which these processes are running

30)           Which of the following are dynamic modules in apache?
a)      Mod_actions
b)      Mod_dev
c)      Mod_perl

d)      All of the above

31)           Which of the following commands will display the indexes created on employee table of the payroll database?
a)      SHOW INDEX FROM Employee FROM Payrollb)      SHOW INDEXES FROM Payroll.Employee
c)      SHOW INDEX FROM Employee IN Payroll
d)      SHOW INDEX FROM Payroll.Employee

32)           This is referred to as root in Linux
a)      Master user
b)      Superuserc)      Normal user
d)      None of them

33)           Which of the following ways below is correct way to get the current date?
b)      SELECT CUR_TIME();

34)           Which of the following option of the uname command prints all the basic information available from the system?
a)      –v
b)      –r
c)      –p
d)      –a

35)           Which of the following protocols runs above TCP/IP and below higher-level Protocols?
a)      SMTP
b)      HTTP
c)      SSLd)      FTP

36)           A query used inside another select query is known as ______________.
a)      Subqueryb)      Join query
c)      Inner query
d)      Group query

37)           The ______________ in Linux is an interactive spell checker.
a)      Spellcheck
b)      Spell
c)      aspell
d)      None of the above

38)           Which of the following command removes a job from print.
a)      Rm
b)      Iprmc)      Ipq
d)      Ipr

39)           ________________ Command is used to count no. of lines in a file.
a)      Wc -1b)      Count
c)      Wordcount –l
d)      Length

40)           The ________________ command accesses the network configuration window at the spell prompt.
a)      System-config
b)      System-network-configc)      System-config-network
d)      System-config-networkwindow

41)           PHPMyAdmin is an administrative interface for MYSQL databases
a)      Trueb)      False

42)           The location where the received mail message are storage is _____________.
a)      /var/mqueue
b)      /var/log
c)      /etc/mail
d)      /var/spool/maile)      Mail

43)           The username and uid are stored in the ________ file.
a)      /etc/data
b)      /etc/passwordc)      /etc/username
d)      /etc/uid

44)           Which of the following keys is used to auto-complete the command name or file name on the command line?
a)      TABb)      CTRL
c)      ALT
d)      ESC

45)           Which of the following defines the types of the data that will be stored in column of tables?
a)      Privileges
b)      Variables
c)      Data typed)      Constraint

46)           Which of the following vi editor content of the file to disk and quits the editors?
a)      :w!
b)      :ql
c)      :wq!
d)      :wq

47)           The output of floor(9.85) would be_____________
a)      10
b)      8
c)      9d)      Null

48)           PHP is an Open-source language.
a)      Trueb)      False

49)           Which of the following method requires authentication and authorization with a username and a password?
a)      Digest
b)      Basicc)      Digital Signing
d)      Client verity

50)           Which of the following statement id true about the different folders used in Linux?
a)      /proc directory is not physically present on disk. It is a real time, memory resident file system that tracks the processes running on your machine and the status of the system resources.
b)      All of the above.c)      /bin directory contains the entire configuration file for the system.
d)      /mont directory usually contains mount points or sub-directories where you mount your floppy and your CD

51)           _______________ is required to execute Perl and PHP Script on the Apache Web Server.
a)      Prefork
b)      Worker module
c)      CGI Daemond)      Threaded multi-processing module

52)           Which of the following command is used to compare the contents of two files?
a)      Compare
b)      Cmpc)      Diff
d)      Comp

53)           _________________ is the default window manager for KDE
a)      Kwinb)      Metacity
c)      Twm
d)      Mwm

54)           What is location of a default configuration file of the samba Server?
a)      /home/samba/smb.conf
b)      /etc/samba/smb.confc)      /samba/etc/smb.conf
d)      /smb.conf

55)           Which of the following modules specifies the proxy or the gate way for Apache Server?
a)      Mod_proxy_ftp
b)      Mod_proxyc)      Mod_proxy_connect
d)      Mod_proxy_http

56)           Which command is used to display the details of all the files in directory
a)      Touch
b)      Tree
c)      Cat
d)      Is –l

57)           USAGE is used when a user created without any privileges.
a)      Trueb)      False

58)           Which of the following command displays the content of a files on screen or stores it in another files?
a)      View
b)      Display
c)      Catd)      Touch

59)           Which of the following directives defines the e-mail address that is included in every error message sent from the server?
a)      ServerAdminb)      ErrorDocument
c)      ServerRoot
d)      DocumentRoot

60)           ______________ is the process of structuring the data in a table to minimize duplication and inconsistency.
a)      Indexes
b)      Normalizationc)      Views
d)      E –R Diagram


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