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Showing posts from July, 2017

Aptech ACCP PRO & EE HDSE PART2 Questions and Answers (100% Guarantee)

Accp (pro) HDSE II Comprehensive Exam Part 1 1)    To switch from the GUI environment to the shell, console, we need to use the Ctrl+F1 keys. a)      True b)      False 2)    Identify the two components in the architecture of the Apache Web Server. a)      Multi-Processing Module b)      Authentication Module c)      Core Module d)      Authorization Module 3)    Which of the following statement regarding making changes in the http.conf file is true? a)      Apache server must be restarted to implement  changes made to the configuration file b)      Apache server must include directives to implement changes made to the configuration file c)      Aptech server must also implement changes in .htaccess file before restarting to implement changes made to the configuration file. d)      To implement the changes. Apache processes the directives line by line in the http.conf 4)    Which statement is used to add a new record in table? a)      Insert b)      Add c)      Record d)    

"MBA" in 15 Minutes

Introduction This is the summary of Book "The personal MBA" When Josh Kaufman Completed his Education in Technical Field. The he Got Opportunity to Work for P&G. He accepted it happily and Started Working there, When he was working there with there  colleagues , They all were graduated in "MBA" from Well known Universities and Colleges. Then he Realized an important thing. Marketing Skills & Business Skills are very important. IF in the Future He will Start His own Business.Then the Need of These Skills will be More.Then he aimed that he will Learn These Skills.Then he  Decided that . He Will join a Better University or College and will do "MBA". After Research he Realized That Today's universities and Colleges , Give only Namesake Education. People go There Just for Degree. This was just Waste of Time 'He Realized' , Then He Chose Better Option  "Self Study" .  Then he go to There Nearby Library and